
Über Peter Kronegger

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Bisher hat Peter Kronegger, 2 Blog Beiträge geschrieben.

Kronegger joins NXP Partner Program (IDH)

Kronegger GmbH and NXP have a close and long-lasting relationship through several projects since the beginning of the company . To bring this partnership to the next level, Kronegger is now part of the NXP Partner Program. Kronegger GmbH has been officially audited and selected as certified IDH (Independent Design House) Partner for NXP. The [...]

Von |2023-03-21T12:37:38+01:00August 12th, 2015|Allgemein|Kommentare deaktiviert für Kronegger joins NXP Partner Program (IDH)

Kronegger GmbH is ISO 9001:2008 certified

We are pleased to announce that Kronegger GmbH is now ISO 9001:2008 for its quality management system. The achievement is one we are particularly proud of as it demonstrates our commitment to providing the highest quality products and services to our customers and partners and further establishes Kronegger as a leader in NFC solutions. The certification is also a [...]

Von |2021-02-15T10:03:46+01:00August 12th, 2015|Allgemein|Kommentare deaktiviert für Kronegger GmbH is ISO 9001:2008 certified
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